In this section, you’ll find a breakdown of total compensation (including bonus) by job title, and where possible, a level of seniority.
The clearest takeaway from our analysis work was that the job titles themselves are a major obstacle to understanding fair compensation in the design community. Titles were incredibly varied and inconsistent even within similar types of companies. The jumble of titles is a major issue that makes it hard for individuals to understand how their experience translates to other companies and compares to their peers.
Because we couldn’t show every individual job title, we decided to make a set of benchmark jobs that are representative of the data. We leaned heavily on the responsibilities that respondents selected to place responses in specific groups. For example, every individual contributor who did UX design and visual design fit into UX/UI Designer. Without visual design they became a UX Designer/Researcher. You might see job titles that you aren’t familiar with, but we’ve provided a small breakdown of the skills of each.
Common skills:
Common skills:
Common skills:
With our job categories defined, we can now look at the distribution of compensation for each job:
Drill into the details for each job:
Content Designers focus on the experience of content within a design, not typically including visual design responsibilities. Includes Content Strategist/Content Specialist.
50% of Content Designers make between $70,000 and $92,500 per year. 25% make less (starting at $51,800) and 25% make more (up to $97,000). The median annual pay for this job is $79,500.
There weren't enough reponses to look at compensation by seniority for this job.